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BR #24: How Inflation Killed Apple 

Sep 17, 2023

(2-minute read)

Apple 13, Apple 14, Apple 15.

Same. Same. Same. All same! No different.

The story of how inflation killed Apple

Steve Jobs was the world‘s last great entrepreneur.

He invented a truly different and new product that changed the lives of billions.

Unfortunately, 16 years after the iPhone‘s launch fiat has been killing Apple’s innovative nature.

In place of innovation, we got the same products and an obsession with short-term revenue maximization.

How did we end up here?

Here is how:

  • Central banks designed fiat currencies to always lose value.
  • Remember the “economy” needs inflation!
  • This forced people to invest.
  • The majority of people would never voluntarily risk their hard-earned savings.
  • But today even a kid knows that if you don’t invest (take risks), inflation will melt your savings away.
  • And so we all become forced investors. Yey!
  • In 2023 we have no choice but to invest in real estate and of course in stocks.
  • Cuz the stock market always goes up right? RIGHT!?
  • But hell, what should we invest in???
  • Most of us don’t read companies' quarterly reports…jeez, many of us can’t understand them at all…how the hell are we going to decide where to invest?
  • Don’t worry! The financial industry has got you covered.
  • Give Wall Street $1,000 and they will proportionately spread it across the top 500 companies in the stock market.
  • Super cool, right? What a smart solution or outrun inflation!
  • So now fiat has created the incentive for anyone with savings to throw it at the 500 largest companies.
  • And they are huge!
  • They are the biggest!
  • They have huge revenues!
  • They must know how to generate even more revenues, right? Just look at Apple!

YEAH! Let’s do it!

Oh and by the way, if Apple’s revenues drop in the next 3 months, we will lower our expectations of its company performance.

So we will sell some of our Apple stock if their sales underperform.

Aaand we will reinvest it in companies whose revenues have increased in the last 3 months.

YEAH! So cool! That is so brilliant!

Or is it really?

Faced with this constant investor expectation of growth (especially since Apple has enormous cash reserves that inflation melts every day), the company is forced to maximize sales at all costs.

Apple cannot afford to have a year without a new iPhone. Becauase OMG their sales will drop and inflation will eat away their cash reserves and the company will go to hell. Then the economy will crash....we will lose our jobs, and we will all die...Noooooo!

And so thousands of the world’s smartest engineers, designers, product people at Apple are in a constant race to deliver more sales in 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.

This is a sad and tragic waste of some of the smartest people’s capacity on earth.

Instead of taking years to research, experiment, and build life-changing innovations, they invest their precious time in shipping the same-same-same iPhone ;(

And to make this even more ridiculously satirical they proclaim to be protecting the planet 🤡 By shipping more “carbon-neutral“ iPhones 🤡 You can't make this sh*t up...

And what is the root cause of this idiocy?


In particular:

  • economists’ number one goal: to always have positive inflation;
  • which leads to the idiotic incentive for everyone to be a forced investor looking to outpace inflation this month, this quarter, and this year;
  • which in turn leads to the idiotic incentives for companies to grow revenues and share prices at all costs as soon as possible instead of actually investing in real innovation.

Bitcoin fixes this.

By eradicating the root problem: no more inflation.

And thus making money work as a simple savings mechanism once again.

And thus freeing humanity from the burden of forced investing.

And thus freeing public companies from the burden of growing sales for the sake of growth.


P.S. Whenever you are ready, I would be glad to have you as a student in my Bitcoin Masterclass, where I help you understand Bitcoin's inevitable domination and I guide you through the steps you need to take to protect your savings, family, and business.

Oh, and my the way, we talk more about Steve Jobs and Apple in the Masterclass as well:

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