Limited-time 15% off the Masterclass with code "ACTION" ↘️

BR #19: Masterclass BETA live 🔥

Aug 12, 2023

(1-minute read)

I am especially thrilled to share the project I have put my heart and brain into for the past few months.

The Bitcoin Masterclass is the fast track video course to deeply understand money, fiat, bitcoin, and the ongoing enormous wealth transfer.

While there is an abundance of information about Bitcoin, it is often too detailed, dry, boring, or not comprehensive enough.

There was never a single concise, easy-to-understand, and actionable resource I could recommend as "Watch this, you will get it! And it will teach you the actions you need to take!"

I built this Bitcoin Masterclass to be that resource.

🔥 It is 3 hours of pure FIRE for anyone to build a steel frame of understanding 🔥

The masterclass is for complete newbies, but also for people who already have Bitcoin and consider it to be just speculation, an interesting asset class, or an alternative currency. Bitcoin is way way more than that I teach why in the videos.

I did my best to tell an enjoyable visual and audio story based on hard facts and truths.

The masterclass covers 5 major topics:

  1. The HUGE Money Problem 🥷
  • The staggering global theft
  • The root cause of the theft
  • Taboos media & politicians don't talk about
  1. When Does Money Break? 📉
  • The rise & fall of moneys
  • What makes good money?
  • The uniqueness of fiat US Dollars
  1. Bitcoin for Dummies 😉
  • The payment network you and I own
  • The hardest money discovered
  • How high can Bitcoin's price grow? 🚀
  1. The Titanic Clash: why fiat is doomed (this is my favourite part 🔥)
  • The war between entrepreneurs and economists
  • Unlocking abundance and the 15-hour work week ❤️
  • Living on the Bitcoin vs Fiat Standard
  1. OWN Bitcoin NOW (I am still working on this final part, coming soon)
  • How much, when, and where to buy bitcoin?
  • How to securely store your bitcoin?
  • How to make & receive bitcoin payments?

I genuinely hope this Masterclass opens the eyes of as many people as possible.

And more importantly, I hope it nudges people to take action!

But before I promote it at scale, I am sharing it with you as an early subscriber and follower of my work.

Use code "EARLY" to access the masterclass for the exclusive offer of €25 (75% off the normal €100 price). The code will be valid until the end of Monday, August 14, 11:59PM, GMT+2 Time Zone.

Sign Up for the Masterclass

Sign up, watch it, and if you think you wasted your time, I will refund you.

If you find it worthwhile, your honest, tough feedback & questions would be very highly appreciated.

You can reach me anytime by replying here or sending an email to [email protected]

Until next Saturday!

Money is changing forever.

Join 2100 subscribers getting 1 lesson about money every Saturday.